Reschedule Policy
Updated May 7, 2019
This document defines the SOSA League
Reschedule Policy to be followed for the Developmental League for the 2019 season and for all subsequent seasons.
1. Reschedule by the League
Games will be rescheduled automatically by the League if:
a) At the discretion of the Referee, they are postponed due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions;
b) A game is postponed at the discretion of a park official
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the field with the
authority to close the field to soccer use;
c) The Referee does not appear within 20 minutes of the
scheduled kick-off time and no other Referee is available to replace
2. Request to Reschedule – Team Choice
A team is permitted one (1) reschedule per season according to the following procedure:
a) Please Review Rescheduling Process in 4 below
b) No weekend games can be rescheduled. Changes to weekend
games can be made for any reason prior to the first day of the season.
d) Requests for Team Choice reschedules must be made before
August 1st of each season. Scheduled games after August 1st can be
rescheduled, but they must be rescheduled prior to August 1st.
3. Request to Reschedule – Other Reasons
A team may request to reschedule additional game(s) only for the following reasons:
a) A team has two or more of its players selected to
participate with a CSA, OS or District team or participate in
University Tryouts within 24 hours of a scheduled League game and the
said Team provides at least 48 hours notice to the SOSA League Administrator
that it requests to have the game postponed.
b) A team is scheduled to participate in an Ontario Cup game
60 hours prior to a scheduled SOSA League game and the said Team provides at
least seven (7) days notice to the SOSA League Administrator
that it requests to have the game postponed.
c) A team submits, by May 1st, an exemption request by email,
due to complete teams traveling (not greater than three (3) weeks).
Request received after May 1st will not be accepted.
d) A team submits, by May 1st, an exemption request by email,
due to a team’s entry into a tournament. This shall only be applicable
to weekend games. The SOSA League may request a copy of the tournament entry
form to verify the request. Each team shall be limited to requesting an
exemption for a maximum of four (4) weekends. Request received after
May 1st will not be accepted.
e) A team has Monday night as its regular game night, and
submits by May 1st up to two additional exception requests, due to a
team’s entry into a tournament the preceding weekend. The SOSA League may
request a copy of the tournament entry form to verify the request.
f) A team has Tuesday night as its regular game night, and
submits by May 1st up to two additional exception requests; due to
teams entry into a tournament the preceding weekend and that tournament
has games on the Monday. The SOSA League may request a copy of the tournament
entry form to verify the request.
g) If Canada Day falls on a regular game day, all teams may
request to reschedule the game. These requests must be submitted within
one week of the draft schedule being released.
4. Process for Setting the Rescheduled Game Date/Time
a) The rescheduled game shall be rescheduled within 14 days of
the approval of the request to reschedule and must be played before the
division end-of-season date as defined in the Bylaws. The last two (2)
regularly scheduled games must be played before the originally
scheduled game date. Note: Teams may not accept or schedule another
game on the same day they had previously asked to have their game to be
b) When a game is rescheduled for any reason the SOSA League will
appoint one of the teams as being responsible to complete the
reschedule process. Under normal circumstances the following shall
apply without the SOSA League notifying the teams:
i. Request to Reschedule – Team Choice or Other
Reasons -the team requesting the reschedule shall be responsible for
rescheduling; or
ii. Reschedule by the League -the Home team shall be responsible for rescheduling.
c) The teams work together to agree on a date. At a minimum,
the Home team is required to provide three (3) for the Away team to choose from.
d) Once the game is agreed upon:
i. The Home team then sends an email to the Away
team with the details: game number, new game date, home team, away
team, field, start time.
ii. The Away team forwards the email to the league at (cc the Home team). The SOSA League now has confirmation from
both teams that the date is acceptable.
Note: If this process is not followed the game will not be scheduled/rescheduled.
e) If the teams cannot agree on a date within 14 days of the
approval of the request to reschedule, the team responsible for the
reschedule shall report the problem by email to the SOSA League and include
emails documenting their attempts to reschedule. The SOSA League will
determine if the teams have made reasonable attempts to reschedule and
the following action will be taken:
i. Both teams made reasonable attempts -the SOSA League will
request three dates from the Home Team and request the Away Team to
select one of the three;
ii. Home Team made reasonable attempts -the SOSA League will request one date from the Home Team and schedule the game;
iii. Away Team made reasonable attempts -the SOSA League
will request one date from the Away Team at their home field and
schedule the game;
f) After August 20th and if the game has no impact on
relegation and promotion, the SOSA League reserves the right to record the
game as not played with no points awarded to either team and the
standings will show that each team has played one less game than all
other teams.